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The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus


The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus

How To Get Big Things Done in YOUR “Workshop” All Year Long

I thought it would be a good time of year to share this book outline. The book is a “Walk the Talk” resource ( The ideas in the book are mostly common sense but summarize a lot of good ideas and illustrate them with seasonal examples. Enjoy the outline, buy the book for more insights, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Build A Wonderful Workshop

·         Make the mission the main thing: communicate clearly and consistently

·         Focus on your people as well as your purpose: manage things and lead people

·         Let values be your guide: turn good beliefs into everyday good behaviors

Choose Your Reindeer Wisely

·         Hire tough so you can manage easy: hiring the right people is critical

·         Promote the right ones… For the right reasons

·         Go for the diversity advantage: gain new skills, ideas, and perspectives

Make A List And Check It Twice

·         Plan your work: what, why, when, where, who, and how

·         Work your plan: do, check, act

·         Make the most of what you have: time, money, materials, talent

Listen To The Elves

·         Open your ears to participation: you have two ears, use them!

·         Pay attention to how you are perceived

·         Walk awhile in THEIR shoes

Get Beyond The Red Wagons

·         Help everyone accept the reality of change: not everyone wants a red wagon this year

·         Remember the customer is really in charge

·         Teach “the business” of the business

Share The Milk and Cookies

·         Help them see the difference they make

·         Do right by those who do right: recognition matters

·         Expand the reinforcement possibilities

Find Out Who’s Naughty And Nice

·         Confront performance problems early

·         Coach “the majority in the middle”

·         Don’t forget the superstars

Be Good For Goodness Sake

·         Set the example: follow the rules and act with integrity at all times

·         Establish guidelines and accountability

·         Remember that everything counts: be consistent in even the little things

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